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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A historical look

So that you might understand us better, I thought I'd give you some historical context surrounding our family. C and I have been married for three and a half years. A little over a year and a half ago, C found out she was pregnant for the first time. Twelve weeks later, we were at her second doctor's appointment and the doctor was unable to find the baby's heartbeat; it was a missed miscarriage.

Before we found out that C was pregnant we had begun discussing options for adoption. It was an option we had been considering since before we were married. There wasn't anything that would suggest that we would have any kind of fertility issues, but we still had discussed our openness to adoption. We said that we wouldn't wait a long time without children before we considered the adoption option.

Well, a couple months shy of two years of marriage found us pregnant, and we decided that if something were to happen, then we wouldn't waste any time finding out more about adoption. About a week after the miscarriage, we met with our bishop (we found out that this step isn't required anymore) for a referral to LDS Family Services, and went in to an orientation not long after that.

We spent the next months getting our adoption profile ready, and in September our adoption profile was approved, and we became available as potential adoptive parents. Six months later, we found out that C was again expecting, so we called our adoption worker to have our profile put on hold, again with the expectation that if anything were to happen to the pregnancy, then we could easily re-activate our profile.

Now C is almost 5 months pregnant, and all seems to be going well. She had some heavy bleeding that started about a bit more than a month ago. The doctor saw her every two weeks for a while after making a diagnosis of low-lying placenta (apparently it's not really placenta previa until after 20 weeks). But today C had another appointment, and the doc thinks she's doing well enough to not come back for 4 weeks (the normal schedule at this point in the pregnancy). So that was great news. And we go to hear the baby's heartbeat again, which considering the history, is always a major relief.

Now we are just waiting for the ultrasound next week (it will be 2 days shy of 19 weeks when it happens), and we'll hopefully know the baby's gender.

What about adoption for us? Well, we still intend to adopt. But we don't know if we'll keep trying for an infant with FamServices, or if we'll go for an older child. There are a lot of options out there. We've been looking at some international adoption options as well. So we'll probably have kids "both ways" as one of our ward members put it. But that's a story for a different day.