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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Bad Example

I was in Super Wal-Mart the other day, walking through the baby section, which happens to be right next to the frozen foods section when I overheard an interesting conversation, of sorts.

It happened about four aisles over, so as you can imagine, it wasn't the quietest of conversations. I heard a young child crying. What he was crying over, I'm not sure, but his dad was having a hard time soothing him. Apparently it was getting kind of frustrating, because the next thing I heard was this daddy losing control and shouting, "DAVID! JUST CALM DOWN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" (Remember, I'm hearing this from four aisles away.)

I'm thinking that this was a bad example of parenting. I'm thinking to myself, "Hmmm. If I'm David, and my dad starts shouting at me, I'm not thinking I'm going to be calmer for the experience."

Then I'm thinking: "Hmmmm. Do you think David is going to follow Daddy's example and get more roused up? Probably."

Poor David. It was a no-win situation. There is no way David is going to get calmer the more that Dad loses his cool.

I hope I'll be a daddy who can can keep his cool. I'm sure it seems easier from this side of the fence.


Carrie said...

Yeah- um, I had the SAME point of view as you have now before I had my kid! Things definitely change when you are actually there! You NEVER know the whole situation surrounding a person's life or day! And I can promise you- there will be rough days! It's the good ones that help you get through all of the bad ones though! Good Luck! So excited for your family! Can't wait to see the pictures of your little blessing!