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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Pushing 8 Months

Maybe this post should be called "8 Months and Pushing." It kind of works either way.

Here's the story. Yesterday BW (Beautiful Wife), who as you remember is in her 8th month of pregnancy, was driving our truck. She parked it in front of our condo, but forgot to turn off the lights. When she went back out at 3:15 to head to her 3:30 appointment, she realized she couldn't start the truck because the lights had been left on (notice the passive construction).

She called me in a panic at work. I told her if she could get somebody to push the truck, she could pop the clutch. She told me she'd figure it out. Here's what she figured out: She (the 8-month-pregnant-she) pushed the truck out of its parking spot, and got it pointed down hill. The she started to push it, but couldn't get it going fast enough. A guy who was taking out the trash saw her and offered to help. So she got in and he pushed, but BW couldn't get the clutch to pop. So SHE SWITCHED PLACES WITH THE GUY.

Here is BW, standing at the back of the truck, pushing it, while this random neighbor pushed from the driver's side. After they got it moving fast enough, the guy jumped into the truck and popped the clutch.

BW called me on the phone, panting, almost unable to speak, quite proud of what she'd done. I was dumbfounded. She assures me that she wouldn't have (and this is a direct quote) "pushed it too far, both literally and figuratively."

But she did hurt in various places last night. I'm still not sure it was a wise thing to do. But I sure wish we'd gotten a picture.

You know, it was one of those experiences where its pretty funny afterwards because nothing bad came of it, but if something awful had happened, we'd look at it and say "Boy, that was dumb." But remember, she promises that "[she] wouldn't have pushed it too far."