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Friday, October 13, 2006

An impatient daddy's ramblings

We have started the 33rd of 40 weeks. It might as well be 400 weeks. Those who have been there recently tell me that the last month can't go by fast enough. I am wondering about the last two months ... :)

I'm so ready for this baby girl to get here. In fact, I'm impatient for it to happen.

I know, I know. I should have learned patience right now. I remember that while serving as a missionary, people would always tell me, "Elder, the Lord is trying to teach you patience." Well, I want to hurry up and learn it already, because I'm tired of waiting!

No, really, we are excited for the baby's arrival. Still no name yet, and that's really because we haven't chosen one, not because we're just not telling. Although I will tell you that there are a couple that we really like. But I don't think a decision will be made until she decides to make her appearance.

C is starting to get to the uncomfortable phase of her pregnancy. She has to get up multiple times a night to take care of business. Plus, she can't sleep unless she has like 4 pillows and three blankets strategically placed on, around, under, and over her. You gotta feel sorry for her. It doesn't look like much fun, but she is a trooper and doesn't complain (much at least). She is much more worried right now about her master's thesis, which she is trying to finish before the baby comes. She actually hopes to finish it, defend, and turn in any revisions before the baby comes, so she isn't feeling like 8 weeks sounds all that far away. Of course, when I think about it in work terms, I don't think it seems that far away either. We've gone one cycle left in our agile development process before our release date, and that is right before the baby is due (and the same weekend that C wants to defend her thesis).

Our next-door-neighbor came over last night to borrow something, and she told us that they found out that they are expecting. She's only about 6 weeks along (which is crazy pregnancy math that counts two weeks as if you were pregnant when any rational person can tall you is malarkey...). She said she is due in early June. My first thought was, "June. That is so far away!" My next thought, "Well, early December's not so bad, I suppose."

So I keep going back and forth. Sometimes 8 weeks seems like forever, and sometimes it seems like there is a slight chance it might go somewhat faster than I worry that it won't (if that makes sense). I always laugh at those people who tell me, "It will be here before you know it." I have to think to my self that it's like telling the mother of a departing missionary that her child will be home before she knows it. A mother of a missionary feels every day. So does an expectant parent. At least when that expectant parent is me.

by really, its going to be great. I'm so excited!! I can't wait.

Is it December 7th yet? Is it December 7th yet?

(I wonder if I could bribe St. Nikolaus to hook up with the stork for his rounds on December 6th. I'd clean my Nikolaus-Stiefel really good, I promise!!)